Staying at home is the best medicine

Why is staying home and aging in place the best medicine? Here are just a few reasons: 

You can stay in your own home. 

This is the place where you've made memories, raised a family, and lived your life. It's familiar and comfortable, and it's where you feel most at home.You can stay independent. You can do things your own way, on your own time.

You can maintain your independence. 

When you live in your own home, you can do things on your own schedule and in your own way. You can cook your own meals, clean your own house, and take care of yourself.

You can stay connected to your community. 

When you live in your own home, you can stay connected to your neighbors, friends, and family. You can go to the park, the library, or the grocery store. You can volunteer at your local church or community center.

You can save money. 

Moving to a facility can be expensive. You may have to pay for more than just rent and the rent can go up every year. Make sure you know what is included in the rent and how much it can go up every year. 

Here are some additional tips for staying home and staying safe as you age:

Make sure your home is safe and accessible. 

This may mean making some modifications, such as installing grab bars in the bathroom or adding ramps to the front door. Make sure your home is well-lit.

Get help when you need it. 

There are many services available to help older adults stay in their homes. These services can provide help with cooking, cleaning, transportation, and personal care.

Try technology. 

There are plenty of assistive devices and new technologies that can help people age in place. They can help not only with safety concerns but also socialization and more. 

Stay active and engaged. 

Staying active and engaged can help you stay healthy and independent. Join a fitness class, volunteer, or take up a new hobby.

Have a plan.

 It's important to have a plan in place in case you need to move to a facility. Talk to your family and friends about your wishes. Make sure you have all of your important documents in order.

Aging in place is a great option for many older adults. 

It allows you to stay in your own home, maintain your independence, and save money. If you're thinking about moving to a facility, talk to your family, friends or even a placement specialist about your options. If you want to know more about in-home care services, contact us today. 

Whatever is decided, wherever you call home, enjoy your golden years to the fullest. 


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